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From the Principal’s Desk

Namaste and welcome to St. Xavier’s School, Godavari.

 “CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME,” is the theme of this academic year. The world today is going through a tremendous change. Covid-19 pandemic threatened us and it is still threatening to wipe us out from the face of the earth. We have some managed to keep ourselves safe and active, but sadly many of our loved ones could not survive this tragedy. We, humankind, have been caught in the whirlpool of nature’s response to our way of life.  Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to rethink of the way we have been living, we are forced to shut ourselves in small areas, we are forced to let go of so many of our entertainments, and we have been forced to think of our actions.

This year Jesuits, all over the world, are celebrating Ignatian Year, in commemoration of St. Ignatius’ conversion from one way of live to another, from the way of the world to the way of God, from the way of self centeredness to the way of selfless service. St. Ignatius’ conversion began with a very painful experience of loosing a battle and with a shattered leg, on 20th May 1521. The pain that he went though opened other doors for him. For almost a year he was confined to his own room, he had time to rethink of his life and plan ahead. This seemingly painful experience helped him to transform himself to a Saint in his later life. Present situation of the world, including Nepal, is very painful. “We are lost, we are afraid, we are worried and we are loosing hope,” we hear these words from the majority of the people today. However, we should never lose hope, we must keep our hopes high, we need to look into the situation in a different perspective. This is an opportunity for all of us to transform ourselves and see all things in a new light.

St. Xavier’s School, Godavari is celebrating its 70th years of dedicated service in Nepal in the field of quality education. We have seen the changes which has taken place in these 70 years in education sector. We still need to do a lot in Nepal. Education today must focus not only in the collection, compilation and reproduction of knowledge but also, perhaps more so, in right perspective, right viewpoint and right understanding of what we experience and learn. Education should not produce intellectual monsters or mechanical individuals but it should aim at creating Conscientious, Competent, Committed and Compassionate human beings. Education must not only aim at producing candidates for job market but also aim at creating skilled people with moral standing, people who uphold humanity, who emanate hope, and who radiate love.

These above aims of education could only be fulfilled when we—state, authorities, parents, teachers, school administration and students—work together with this vision. Now is the time that we change our mindset regarding education and its purpose. We must use our thinking to make this world a better place to live for all creatures.

Let us transform ourselves, let us mend our ways and let us make the future of our children secure!

May God bless us and give us wisdom!

 Live for God, Lead for Nepal

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